Android4 ICS theme for Nokia C2-01, X2-00 and 240 x 320 px phones

Android 4.0 Icecream sandwitch theme by theshadow for nokia

My new free nokia c2-01 themes after a long gap Android4 ICS theme for Nokia C2-01, X2-00 and 240 x 320 px phones by TheShadow.This is a requested theme and i have done my level best on getting theme resource like Icon Packs and Wallpapers.

Android 4.0 Icecream sandwitch theme by theshadow for nokia

The Features of this theme are this theme comes with original Android 4.0 ICS wallpaper and Android 4.0 Icons.This theme also comes with Large Flash lite digital clock with calendar.Hope you all will like this theme.

Size :877.1 KiB | Hits : 8,948 downloads

Description : Free nokia 240 x 320 px phone theme

comments and suggestion for improving designing themes with new ideas are most welcome.

13 thoughts on “Android4 ICS theme for Nokia C2-01, X2-00 and 240 x 320 px phones

  1. Great theme sir.u should make more free themes for nokia x2-00.most of ur themes r for 320×240,which cant be used fully on 240×320

    1. Hi,Thank you.I will try to make more 240 x 320 px theme in coming days.and regarding media player skin its impossible to create media player skin for s40 phones because there are no tool to create it.if you find anything please feel free to share as i am searching for it a very long time.

  2. As a suggestion,i think u shud also include media player themes in ur themes…it will make a theme 100% complete

  3. and i request u to make a theme for nokia x2-00 using fresh nexus icons by olek 21.i will be glad if u can fulfill this request..

  4. Sir.i remember u have worked with themereflex…maybe u can ask them as they include media player skins in their theme.and thanks for making such a great theme

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